Friday, August 31, 2012

Social CRM: why it is crucial?

Over the last one decade, social media has changed the definition of traditional CRM. Before, it was just a one way communication process. But emergence of social media and its maximum utility for CRM had made it a two-way communication channel. This evolved the concept of sCRM or Social CRM.

As per Paul Greenberg, “Social CRM is a philosophy and a business strategy, supported by a technology platform, business rules, workflow, processes and social characteristics, designed to engage the customer in a collaborative conversation in order to provide mutually beneficial value in a trusted and transparent business environment. It’s the company’s response to the customer’s ownership of the conversation.”

Why sCRM is crucial in terms of your brand perception? Because it is spontaneous…………….. If you do not engage a monitoring system or do not keep a close eye on the developments, you might loose your brand loyalty. At the same time, if you keep your customers engaged with your product/brand and you have a real-time tracking system of your brand’s performance, sCRM can create a win-win situation for you as well your customers.

sCRM is more than just engaging your customers or prospects to your product’s/brand’s microsites or Twitter/Facebook pages or building communities or blog pages. It is not only about social listening or creating a media buzz through your PR agencies. sCRM is a mix of all.

Say, you have engaged your customers through these channels. Now, the challenge is how do you monitor the activities. Is it through some enterprise listening software? Or, some third party service providers? Or self? Well, it is again a mix of all.

Now, the next challenge you might face is your customer’s identity in social media portals. Most often you face the issue of multiple identities of your customers. So, you should have a technology or a practice to integrate multiple identities (Identity Management).

sCRM is all about creating a collaborative environment, both internally and externally. The key to sCRM success is to understand the issues/challenges pertaining to your product or brand and solving them with customer engagement and interaction in a process-driven way.


  1. This is really very helpful...Request you also to write something on the social media analytics part...

  2. Interesting read..
